Find Your Strength, Find Your Independence, and Find a New Lease on Life
By now, most people are aware of the benefits of strength training over 50 to maintain muscle mass and functional strength throughout their older years.
And for various reasons, at this point in life they would rather work out at home than join a gym.
So they start looking around for a home workout program, and then hear about one from friends or colleagues, or see an advertisement or commercial that sparks their interest.
So they download an app or watch some YouTube videos for their home gym workouts.
Or they buy some equipment online or at their local sporting goods store, and just try to follow the exercise diagrams that were included.
They work out religiously for a few weeks, but don’t get any stronger, and don’t see any changes in the mirror.
Or they get injured during a workout, the ultimate irony – getting hurt doing something that is supposed to help prevent injuries.
Or instead of bursting with newfound energy as they imagined, oddly enough they feel run down and tired all the time.
So they quit.
Or worse, they keep slaving away month after month after month, doing the same unproductive, dangerous routine in hopes that someday, somehow, it will magically start producing the results they desire.
Remember the definition of insanity?
But it doesn’t have to be that way for YOU.
There are specific, objective principles that, when included and properly utilized in a strength training program, will produce immediate, dramatic and continuous results.
Results like increased strength, better mobility, improved body composition, more energy, and more resistance to injuries.
And you can achieve these results with workouts lasting under 45 minutes, performed only once or twice a week, using simple exercises that require no athletic skill and can be done safely at any age, in the privacy of your own home.

Who am I, and why should you listen to me?
My name is Dave Durell, and I’ve been in the Health and Fitness industry since 1982, including owning a Personal Training business, working as an NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach, and practicing as a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant.

My oldest personal training client, Bob S. – 96 years old!

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Strength and Conditioning Staff, 2001. Looks like the beard was a little different color back then 🙂

Rehabbing plane crash survivor Diana Burgess. Diana overcame shattered legs and a broken back, and eventually went back to teaching aerobics classes.
During that time, I have helped thousands of people build muscle, increase strength, lose fat, bounce back from painful injuries, and improve their level of function and outlook on life.
Once I got over 50 myself (I’m over 60 now), I started to feel the same effects of aging that you’re going through right now. And I had to figure out how to change my own workouts to overcome these limitations.
So I called upon the knowledge I had gained over the last 40+ years, and created a unique, easy-to-use strength training program that combines strength training with physical therapy techniques and is perfectly suited for people over 50.
Several years ago, I started the Strength After 50 website to share these techniques with people over 50 around the world.
And as I started to interact with people through my popular gym training course and coaching program, one question kept repeating itself over and over –
“I don’t belong to a gym – can I perform your program at home and still get great results?”
And now, the answer is a resounding YES.
Introducing the Strength After 50 Home Workout Program

The Strength After 50 Home Workout Program will help you get and stay strong safely without spending endless hours working out every week.
And you can do it in the privacy of your own home, no matter what your experience level is.
No need to worry about your previous experiences or knowledge about strength training – the program is designed with beginners in mind and will guide you every step of the way.
Once you learn this workout plan, you’ll never need another one; the program is designed to be sustainable for life with only simple minor adjustments.
I’ll be your coach throughout the program, explaining and demonstrating everything in great detail to give you all the tools you need to stay strong, resistant to injury, and full of energy, without wasting time or getting injured, so you can live life to the fullest.
Here’s a short video on what’s in the program:
Here’s what you get:
✔️ 8 Step-By-Step Video Modules
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Over 3 hours of content, 60+ Lessons
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️ 14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Power of Commitment Workbook
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Off-Day Activity Guide
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide
Here’s what’s in each module:

Module 1: Designing Your Workouts
The Essential Equipment
Multi-Station Home Gyms
Garage/Basement Gyms
Your Workout Game Plan
Building Exercises
Rebuilding Exercises
Scheduling Your Workouts

Module 2: Training Principles
Principle 1: Form
Principle 2: Intensity
Principle 3: Progression
Principle 4: Recovery

Module 3: Getting Started
What to do on your 1st two workouts
Warming up
Setting up Workout A
Setting up Workout B
What to do on your first four workouts
After your fourth workout

Module 4: Building Exercises
Upper Body Building Exercises
Lower Body Building Exercises
Midsection Building Exercises

Module 5: Rebuilding Exercises
Rebuilding Your Shoulders
Rebuilding Your Low Back
Rebuilding Your Neck
Rebuilding Your Grip
Rebuilding our Knees

Module 6: Stretching
Leg Stretches
Hip Stretches
Low Back Stretches
Trunk Stretches
Upper Body Stretches

Module 7: Working Around Injuries/After Surgery
The Working Around An Injury System
The Post Rehab Protocol
What To Do After Surgery

Module 8: Putting It All Together
Summary of each Module
Closing thoughts on living a full life after 50
And you also get:

Printable Workout Card Templates
Personalize your program and record your workouts for guaranteed progress

Printable Quick Reference Guides
Quick and easy access to visual reminders for exercises and rehab protocols

Bonus: The Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide
The basics of nutrition presented in an easy-to-understand way to help you get the most out of your workouts, while still enjoying the foods that you don’t want to live without

Bonus: The Power of Commitment Workbook
Maximize your motivation for long-term fitness success the fun way using these printable worksheets

Bonus: Off-Day Activity Guide
Learn how to plan off-day physical activities at the appropriate level of intensity, and strategically schedule them, so you can enjoy all the resulting health benefits without compromising your strength gains.
Dave has created a comprehensive yet simple program for folks over 50 to build and maintain their strength in a safe, effective manner.
No fads, but an intelligent, thoughtful approach to living your best life, without having to ‘live’ in the gym.
I highly recommend his program to anyone interested in improving their quality of life! “
Matt Del Garbino, Owner, Myhomefitnessplan Personal Training, Oregon USA
A few years back (when I was in my early 60s) my doctor said I needed to start eating better and exercising or I’d soon end up in the hospital. So, I did just that. And gratefully, things turned around for the better.
Regarding exercise, my new leaf included regular walks (for aerobic exercise) and strength training to regain and maintain skeletal muscle.
For me, the most challenging aspect was figuring out a strength training routine. I did a lot of trial and error piecing together a routine that made sense for my age and health objectives.
Fortunately, there is now a great home program. If you’re like me (over 50 and appreciate an effective and time-efficient program you can do from home) I think you’ll find Dave Durell’s Strength After 50 Home Gym Workout Program is the obvious choice.
It’s a concise, easy-to-understand, step-by-step video program that shows you just what to do and how to do it with printable forms and worksheets. There is no guesswork on what to do. In addition to the exercise and a stretching routine, it also shows you how to design your workouts, how to adapt your training schedule as you get stronger, and how to train around injuries.
The equipment you’ll need to purchase for this home workout program includes adjustable dumbbells, a weight bench, an exercise ball, and a step platform. (For those who want to set up a home gym in their garage or basement, it also explains those options.)
In summary, I find Dave Durell’s Strength After 50 Home Gym Workout Program provides a very doable and effective home program, which I can use with confidence for many years to come.”
David, Montevideo Uruguay
Who is this for?

Health-conscious Retiree
You’re interested in strength training but have limited experience or knowledge about how to do it safely at home. You prefer online courses because of their convenience and flexibility.

Busy Professional
You want to incorporate strength training into your routine for health purposes and stress relief, but struggle to find the time to go to a gym. A personalized home program would be a perfect fit for your busy schedule.

Active Grandparent
You want to stay physically active to keep up with your young grandchildren. You’re looking for a safe and effective strength training program you can do at home.

Late Starter
You’re just now starting to take your health seriously after a minor health scare. You’re interested in an online program that is beginner-friendly and can guide you through the process.

Fitness Enthusiast
You’ve been into fitness your whole life, and want a program specifically designed for your age group. You’re interested in an online strength training program that can challenge you and help you maintain your fitness level.

Orthopedically Challenged
You’ve started feeling the effects of age-related wear and tear on your body. You want an age-specific program you can personalize to work around old injuries, without wasting time or getting injured, so you can live life to the fullest.
Get Started On The Strength After 50 Home Workout Program Today
Strength After 50 Home Workout Program
✔️ 8 Step-By-Step Video Modules
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Over 3 hours of content, 60+ Lessons
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️ 14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Power of Commitment Workbook
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Off-Day Activity Guide
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide
Order now and discover:
What equipment to get based on your budget and available space, and where to find it
The simple trick that will ensure you don’t skip your workouts
The one technique that guarantees maximum workout success – or sub-par results if you don’t use it
What to do when progress stops
The 4 exercise principles you must follow to build muscular strength without wrecking your joints
Why working out too often is the worst mistake you can make
How to regain your strength as fast as possible after a major injury or surgery
The step-by-step method for creating a personalized workout plan you can stick with for life
Demonstrations and easy to follow written instructions for every single exercise in the program
Why everyone over 50 should be concerned about flexibility, and the best ways to preserve it
How to make dramatic, measurable, continuous progress in under 45 minutes once or twice a week
Strength After 50 is an absolute game-changer! The exercises are thoughtfully designed to build strength, improve flexibility, and enhance overall well-being, all while considering the unique challenges faced by those in the 50+ age group.
What’s more, Dave Durell is incredibly knowledgeable, supportive, and genuinely invested in the success of each participant.
Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast looking to enhance your routine or someone who’s just beginning their wellness journey later in life, I wholeheartedly recommend Strength After 50.
It’s not just a program; it’s a life-changing experience that will empower you to live your best, strongest life, even after 50. Trust me, you won’t regret it!”
Liam Bauer, Co-Founder, TNT Strength Personal Training Oakland, California USA
Dave has developed an OUTSTANDING program for the 50 and over age group! It’s very specific. It’s brief and it’s fun!
I have a home gym and have many of the weight implements that Dave features in his program. I find it gratifying that I am doing many of the exercises Dave has demonstrated. I feel that I am on the same page.
Dave has incorporated everything one needs into this program. In my opinion anyone over the age of 50 doesn’t need to spend hours on end in the gym doing rep after rep and set after set. How many of us are competing at a high level after the age of 50? Even if you are, this program will keep you strong!
By utilizing Dave’s program, it takes me an hour from start to finish. I have gained strength without question.
When I had surgery a year ago, Dave was there to guide me through. I didn’t have to stop working out. I worked around my surgically repaired thumb.
I cannot say enough about Dave’s program. For what it’s worth, I’m 67 years old. I am ecstatic to have found Dave and the Strength After 50 program.”
Jay, New Hampshire USA
Do I need to buy any special equipment?
Building muscle and getting stronger requires progressive resistance exercise, so you will need to make at least a minimal investment in some dumbbells, an adjustable bench, and an inflatable exercise ball. You can add equipment as you progress and as your budget allows. This is all covered in detail in Module 1.
How is this program different than other home workout programs?
Most other home workout programs violate one or more of the 4 criteria of the ideal workout.
They are not safe because they recommend dangerous exercises, or advocate unsafe weight lifting techniques like lifting fast or explosively. My program shows you how to perform safe exercises using slow, controlled technique.
They are not effective because they don’t include progressive resistance exercise, such as bodyweight-only programs, or don’t have you record your workouts to insure progress. My program shows you how much resistance to use and exactly when to increase it.
They are not time-efficient because they require you to perform long, multiple-set routines, or perform the workouts 3-6 times per week. My workouts take 45 minutes or less, once or twice a week.
And/or they are not sustainable because they require athletic or unusual movements that a majority of people in their 60’s. 70’s or 80’s won’t be able to do. My program includes exercises that people can easily and safely perform at any age, even those with osteoporosis or joint replacements.
How is the program personalized just for me?
You’ll be adding (or avoiding) exercises to your routine based on your own unique health/medical history. If you have had shoulder problems in the past, we’ll add exercises to rebuild your shoulders; if your shoulders are fine but you’re having issues with low back pain, we’ll focus on that. These exercises are all demonstrated and explained in-depth in Module 5.
In addition, we’ll work around any physical limitations you’re currently dealing with. This is thoroughly covered in Module 7.
I've had multiple surgeries and haven't been able to lift heavy weights in years. Will this program work for me?
I created the program with this scenario in mind. One reason is I’ve worked with thousands of physical therapy patients and personal training clients who were over 50 and were hungry to find a way to overcome physical setbacks and get back to living life to the fullest, and they didn’t want to be held back by past injuries or surgeries.
Whether you need to work around an injury, regain lost strength after a major injury or surgery, or just rebuild injury-prone areas of your body, everything you need to do it is right here in the Strength After 50 Home Gym Workout Program.
Get Started On The Strength After 50 Home Workout Program Today
Strength After 50 Home Workout Program
✔️ 8 Step-By-Step Video Modules
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Over 3 hours of content, 60+ Lessons
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️ 14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Power of Commitment Workbook
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Off-Day Activity Guide
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide
I can’t help you until you take the first step
It might seem like waiting a little while to start a workout program like this is no big deal.
Maybe the timing just isn’t quite right for you right now.
Actually, it is a big deal.
The thing is, every day you let go by without doing something to get better, you don’t stay the same – you get worse.
Because you’re a day older.
Listen, we’re in our later years now. None of us know how much time we have left, but once we’re over 50 chances are there are more days behind us than ahead of us.
Let’s make the most of every single one of them.
Don’t let a lack of strength or energy, or too many aches and pains, stand in the way of you experiencing all that life has to offer from here on out.
Let’s get you started today. I’m here to help every step of the way.

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
If, for any reason, you decide the course is not for you, you can cancel and get a full refund anytime within 14 days of your purchase, no questions asked. If you have any technical issues with the course videos, downloads etc., just email me and I’ll fix the problem to your satisfaction.

So let’s recap:
The Strength After 50 Home Workout Program is a password-protected online course that can be accessed from your computer, tablet or smart phone.
Once you order you’ll get instant, unlimited access to over 3 hours of instructional videos; your printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format; and your printable Quick Reference Guides.
And if you order now, you’ll also get the 3 special Bonuses: The Stay Strong Forever Nutrition Guide, The Power of Commitment Workbook, and The Off-Day Activity Guide.
Picture yourself a few short weeks from now…..
Once you get going on this program, you’ll be stronger and have increased lean muscle mass; be more injury resistant, flexible, and mobile; and have far less aches and pains from previous injuries and surgeries. You’ll feel strong, youthful, and fully alive, ready to charge forward and enjoy life to the fullest, on a workout plan that’s easy to follow, safe, and doesn’t take up much of your precious time.
Just click the blue button below, and you’ll be on your way.
Get Started On The Strength After 50 Home Workout Program Today
Strength After 50 Home Workout Program
✔️ 8 Step-By-Step Video Modules
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Over 3 hours of content, 60+ Lessons
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️ 14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Power of Commitment Workbook
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Off-Day Activity Guide
✔️ *Special Bonus*: Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide