Once You’re Over 50, The Workouts 20 Year-Olds Do Won’t Help You.


You need workouts specifically designed for YOU that build strength and muscle efficiently, while compensating for age-related limitations and injuries, so you can live the fullest life possible in your later years.

Let’s face it – we’re not kids anymore.
As we age, we gain the wisdom of many years of life experiences.  But physically, the aging process seems to be working against us.
Once you get over 50, you start feeling the effects of age-related wear and tear on your body.  Injuries from the past are coming back to haunt you with chronic aches and pains, and new injuries are much harder to recover from.  It takes longer and longer to get loosened up and get going in the morning. Sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss, is naturally causing us all to lose strength and muscle mass every year.
And if you’ve been working out, by now you can probably tell that the strength training routines you used in your 20’s aren’t cutting it anymore.  Your body is different now.
The chest exercises you fell in love with back then now make your shoulders sore for 3 days.  Your favorite leg exercise now causes too much knee pain to use any real weight.  And there’s no way you can make it through the 2-hour marathon workouts you used to do back in the day.
But you and I know that strength training is something we need in our later years more than ever.  It’s the only way to counteract that dreaded sarcopenia, and it’s essential to keep us at our highest possible level of pain-free function.  And you love that feeling of achievement and self-mastery that comes from the process of successfully becoming stronger and more muscular.
So you want to keep going with it, but it just doesn’t seem to be working like it used to.
It can all be very frustrating and discouraging.  Now that the kids are grown and you’re established in your career, you’ve got the time and resources to do fun stuff and create lasting memories – but will you be physically able to?
Listen, you deserve to be able to truly live and enjoy your later years, not have to suffer through them.
I can guide you with a strength training program that is tailor made for YOU, as you are right now, that you’ll be able to sustain forever to stay strong, resistant to injury, and full of energy, without wasting time or getting injured, so you can live life to the fullest.
Dave Durell Strength after 50

Who am I, and why should you listen to me?

My name is Dave Durell, and I’ve been in the Health and Fitness industry since 1982, including owning a Personal Training business, working as an NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach, and practicing as a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant.
injury rehab-My oldest training client - 96 years old!

My oldest personal training client, Bob S. – 96 years old!

tampa bay buccaneers strength and conditioning staff 2001

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Strength and Conditioning Staff, 2001. Looks like the beard was a little different color back then 🙂

Diana Burgess plane crash

Rehabbing plane crash survivor Diana Burgess. Diana overcame shattered legs and a broken back, and eventually went back to teaching aerobics classes.

Once I got over 50 myself (I’m over 60 now), I started to feel the same effects of aging that you’re going through right now.  And I had to figure out how to change my own workouts to overcome these limitations.
So I called upon the knowledge I had gained over the last 30+ years, developed and refined a unique strength training system that combines all my experience in personal training, athletic strength and conditioning and physical therapy, and turned it into an easy to follow workout plan that is especially well suited for people over 50.
And now I want to make this plan available to YOU.

Introducing the Stay Strong Forever Gym Training Program

strength after 50 stay strong forever program
The Stay Strong Forever Program will help you get and stay strong safely without spending endless hours in the gym every week. Once you learn this program, you’ll never need another one; the program is designed to be sustainable for life with only simple minor adjustments.
I’ll be your coach throughout the program, explaining and demonstrating everything in great detail to give you all the tools you need to be successful.


Here’s a short video on what’s in the program:

Here’s what you get:


✔️ Over 3 1/2 hours of instructional videos
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ Sample completed workout cards
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️  14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️  *Special Bonus*: Power of Commitment Workbook
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Off-Day Activity Guide
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Live Action Workout Videos


Here’s what’s in each module:


Module 1: Designing Your Workouts

  • Overview of the Workout Plan
  • Building Exercises
  • Rebuilding Exercises
  • Choosing the Right Gym
  • Scheduling Appointments – With Yourself


Module 2: Training Principles

  • Principle 1: Form
  • Principle 2: Intensity
  • Principle 3: Progression
  • Principle 4: Recovery
  • The Recovery Timeline
  • What To Do When Progress Stops
  • 4-Week Workout Cycle Example



Module 3: Getting Started

    • What to do on your 1st two workouts
    • Warming up
    • How to pick the best equipment for each exercise
    • Setting up Workout A
    • Setting up Workout B
    • What to do on your first four workouts
    • After your fourth workout

Module 4: Building Exercises

      • Upper Body Building Exercises
      • Lower Body Building Exercises
      • Midsection Building Exercises




Module 5: Rebuilding Exercises

      • Shoulder Rebuilding Exercises
      • Low Back Rebuilding Exercises
      • Neck Rebuilding Exercises
      • Grip Rebuilding Exercises
      • Knee Rebuilding Exercises



Module 6: Stretching 

      • General Rules For Stretching
      • How To Get On A Floor Mat Safely
      • Leg Stretches
      • Hip Stretches
      • Low Back Stretches
      • Trunk Stretches
      • Upper Body Stretches



Module 7: Working Around Injuries/After Surgery 

      • The Working Around An Injury System
      • The Post Rehab Protocol
      • What To Do After Surgery



Module 8: Putting It All Together 

      • Summary of Each Module
      • Closing Thoughts on Living a Full Life After 50



And you also get:


Printable Workout Card Templates 

      • Personalize your program and record your workouts for guaranteed progress (includes samples)





Printable Quick Reference Guides 

      • Quick and easy access to visual reminders for exercises and rehab protocols 





strength after 50 nutrition guide

Bonus: The Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide 

      • The basics of nutrition presented in an easy-to-understand way to help you get the most out of your workouts, while still enjoying the foods that you don’t want to live without




strength after 50 power of commitment workbook

Bonus: The Power of Commitment Workbook 

      • Maximize your motivation for long-term fitness success the fun way using these printable worksheets 




strength after 50 off day activity guide

Bonus: Off-Day Activity Guide 

      • Learn how to plan off-day physical activities at the appropriate level of intensity, and strategically schedule them, so you can enjoy all the resulting health benefits without compromising your strength gains.


Bonus: Live Action Workout Videos 

      • Full Workouts, live and unedited, so you can get a feel for how your own workouts will flow.


Here’s what program users are saying:

So much of the training info on the Internet is geared to the 35 and younger crowd.  I’m still rocking this program you have opened my eyes to!  I feel really good.  Your program is perfect for me.  45 minutes and I’m done.  I don’t have the time nor the desire to spend hours in the gym doing multiple sets programs.  I want to keep my weight down and be as strong as possible to be able enjoy the activities that I do.”

Jay, New Hampshire USA 

The program is great.  It is a focused workout that takes less time and produces better results than other workout plans I have used.”

Greg, Georgia USA 

Very informative and relevant information.  I enjoyed everything.  I feel stronger, I have more energy, I have more confidence, I’m happier and have a better outlook on life.”

Randy, Ontario Canada 

I’m a 69 year old guy with 2 knees missing ACLs, a leg badly damaged in an accident, arthritic shoulders and bum ankle. I have not aged gracefully. I’ve been doing this workout for a long time and just know this – it works. Using this method has allowed me to improve the stability of my knees and strengthen my ankle, leg and shoulders. It’s tailored to your individual needs and focuses on improving your performance.”

John, Florida USA 

Get Started On The Stay Strong Forever Program Today

Stay Strong Forever Program

Instant Access To All Program Materials


✔️ Over 3 1/2 hours of instructional videos
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ Sample completed workout cards
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️  14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️  *Special Bonus*: Power of Commitment Workbook
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Off-Day Activity Guide
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Live Action Workout Videos


Order now and discover:


  • The best kind of gym for older people to work out in (and the one gym you should NEVER set foot in!)
  • The simple trick that will ensure you don’t skip your workouts
  • The one technique that guarantees maximum workout success – or sub-par results if you don’t use it
  • What to do when progress stops
  • The 4 exercise principles you must follow to build muscular strength without wrecking your joints
  • Why working out too often is the worst mistake you can make
  • How to regain your strength as fast as possible after a major injury or surgery
  • The step-by-step method for creating a personalized workout plan you can stick with for life
  • Demonstrations and easy to follow written instructions for every single exercise in the program
  • Why everyone over 50 should be concerned about flexibility, and the best ways to preserve it
  • How to  make dramatic, measurable, continuous progress in under 45 minutes once or twice a week

Here’s what the experts are saying:

Dave Durell is a respected colleague that I have had the privilege to work with during my 14 years in the National Football League. He not only brings a wealth of knowledge on Exercise Science, but as a Physical Therapist, he also brings expertise to the management and treatment of orthopedic conditions.
The Stay Strong Forever video course is one of the best courses on Prudent, Productive, Practical & Purposeful Strength Training that I have ever seen. It articulates the fundamentals of science-based strength training in a manner that is sensical and easy to understand. It provides a step-by-step approach that will provide the learner the opportunity and tools to design an individualized program that they will be able to follow and make adjustments to – Forever!
 As a Strength & Conditioning Professional – and as a 50+ Senior Adult, I would highly recommend the Stay Strong Forever video course designed by Dave Durell.”
Mark Asanovich, 14-Year NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach
The Stay Strong Forever Program is golden. For those over the age 50 like me (62…and receiving A.A.R.P. info on a weekly basis), it’s the go-to option for either starting a new fitness training regimen or continuing to train intelligently and still make progress while avoiding injuries.
The program is comprehensive yet easy to learn and implement. Dave has covered every aspect clearly and concisely in his instructional videos and accompanying documents. The most practical advantage of the program is it being schedule-friendly; only twice per week if you give it 100% effort (and effort still remains a key factor for achieving results in any type of program regardless of age).
Don’t hesitate. Get the program. Do it. It works.”
Tom Kelso, Exercise Physiologist, TomKelso.com
I’ve had the distinct pleasure of knowing Dave Durell since the mid-1990s.  Since that time, he has firmly established himself as a strong voice of reason in the strength and fitness industry.
Dave’s latest contribution to the industry is in providing safe, evidence-based training to the graying population . . . of which both he and I are members!  His Stay Strong Forever video course represents his ideas in action, a true culmination of his decades of experience in working with diverse individuals. 
The course is really well done, professional and informative while laced with countless practical applications; he’s a natural in front of the camera which helps him to deliver his message in a user friendly format that’s void of the unnecessary complexities that are often associated with such types of courses.  
Having been employed at the collegiate level as an administrator, an educator and a coach since 1983 – including the past 30+ years at Princeton University – it’s my professional opinion that Dave is a highly credible resource on strength and fitness for the older population and I recommend his course on that topic without reservation.”
Matt Brzycki, Princeton University, Author of 20+ Fitness Books



How is this course different than other strength training courses on the internet?

You can find plenty of “muscle building” training courses on the internet, that’s for sure.  But the training methods they show may be unsafe or orthopedically unsound, and some of the exercises may be problematic for older people because it hurts to do them.  So you can build some muscle, but you kill your joints long-term and get injured periodically.  That’s no good, because as I’m sure you know it takes us older folks longer to recover.

On the other end of the spectrum, you can find “corrective exercise” or rehab-based courses, perhaps even created by a physical therapist, to help alleviate painful conditions, correct bad posture, things like that.  But you won’t build any appreciable strength or muscle mass with that type of program.

The Stay Strong Forever Master Course is different because it combines both “building” exercises and “rebuilding” exercises, which is exactly what people over 50 need.

In addition, if a strength training course was created by somebody in their 20’s or 30’s, that person isn’t going to know first-hand what us older folks are going through.  They haven’t thought up the “work-arounds” in the gym for arthritic joints, decades-old sports injuries, or lumbar disc problems, because they’ve never personally had to work around those things.  

I have.  I’m in my 60’s, and have taken those things into account when creating this course.  It’s designed to be the only strength training workout plan you will ever need for the rest of your life.

I've had left knee surgery and right shoulder surgery, and haven't been able to lift heavy weights in years. Will this program work for me?

I created this course with this scenario in mind.  One reason is I’ve worked with thousands of physical therapy patients and personal training clients who were over 50 and were hungry to find a way to overcome physical setbacks and get back to living life to the fullest, and they didn’t want to be held back by past injuries or surgeries.

The other big reason that getting back to lifting heavy weights after surgeries is fully explained and demonstrated in the course is that I’ve been through it myself!  At 60+, I’ve been through my share of injury problems, including overcoming shoulder surgery and 2 abdominal surgeries (1 of which was for cancer).  And there was no way I was going to let that adversity stop me from living every day of whatever time I have on earth to the fullest, so I figured out how to regain my strength the fastest and most efficient way possible.  And everything I learned is in this course.

Whether you need to work around an injury, regain lost strength after a major injury or surgery, or just rebuild injury-prone areas of your body, everything you need to do it is right here in the Stay Strong Forever Program.

You talk about working out once or twice a week for under 45 minutes. I've always worked out 4-6 days a week for an hour or two. How can I get results with such short, infrequent workouts?

The workouts are short (under 45 minutes, including warming up and stretching) because I’ve designed them to be as intense as possible while still being safe.  These workouts are the strength training equivalent to laying in a tanning bed to get a suntan, while working out for an hour or two is like trying to get a suntan on a partly cloudy day in the Fall – you might be able to do it, but it’s not the most efficient way.

And the workouts are performed only once or twice a week to allow for sufficient recovery.  The workout itself doesn’t make you stronger; it stimulates an increase in strength and muscle mass, and then your body produces those increases during the recovery period.  If you work out again before you’re fully recovered, you won’t get any benefit from your last workout, because you didn’t give yourself the time your body needs to make changes happen.

When you’re 25, it’s easy to recover from hard workouts (and just about everything else!) quickly – but us older folks take longer to recover from physical stresses, and we absolutely must account for that when designing a workout plan if we want results without wasting time.  And the less time we spend in the gym, the more time we have to enjoy the finer things in life.

It seems like many of us have been asking ourselves the wrong question when setting up a workout plan.  Instead of asking “how much exercise can I tolerate?” the Stay Strong Forever course is built on the question: “how little exercise do I require?”  And after decades of research and experience, I know the answer is one or two brief (but intense) workouts per week.

How is the course personalized just for me?

Starting with Module 1 of the course, I guide you through designing your own personalized workout plan, based on a number of considerations.

First, you will be plugging in exercises based on your available equipment and personal preferences.  If you’re new to weight training, or haven’t worked out in a long time, you’ll be guided to select exercises based on the movement being performed, and then you pick exercises in your workout facility that match those movements.  (I take you through your 1st four workouts step-by-step in Module 3).

You’ll also be adding (or avoiding) exercises to your routine based on your own unique health/medical history.  If you have had shoulder problems in the past, we’ll add exercises to rebuild your shoulders; if your shoulders are fine but you’re having issues with low back pain, we’ll focus on that.  These exercises are all demonstrated and explained in-depth in Module 5.

In addition, we’ll work around any physical limitations you’re currently dealing with.  For example, if you’ve had a total knee replacement, there are certain leg exercises you should never do, and others that are fine to do.  All this is thoroughly covered in Module 7.

Get Started On The Stay Strong Forever Program Today

Stay Strong Forever Program

Instant Access To All Program Materials


✔️ Over 3 1/2 hours of instructional videos
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ Sample completed workout cards
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️  14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️  *Special Bonus*: Power of Commitment Workbook
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Off-Day Activity Guide
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Live Action Workout Videos


I can’t help you until you take the first step

It might seem like waiting a little while to start a workout program like this is no big deal.
Maybe the timing just isn’t quite right for you right now.
Actually, it is a big deal.
The thing is, every day you let go by without doing something to get better, you don’t stay the same – you get worse.
Because you’re a day older.
Listen, we’re in our later years now.  None of us know how much time we have left, but once we’re over 50 chances are there are more days behind us than ahead of us.
Let’s make the most of every single one of them.
Don’t let a lack of strength or energy, or too many aches and pains, stand in the way of you experiencing all that life has to offer from here on out.  
Let’s get you started today.  I’m here to help every step of the way.

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you decide the course is not for you, you can cancel and get a full refund anytime within 14 days of your purchase, no questions asked.  If you have any technical issues with the course videos, downloads etc., just email me and I’ll fix the problem to your satisfaction.
Dave Durell Stay Strong Forever Course

So let’s recap:

The Stay Strong Forever Program is a password-protected online course that can be accessed from your computer, tablet or smart phone.  Once you order you’ll receive an email with your access instructions to instantly view your Stay Strong Forever Program videos, view and download your PDF’s, and edit and print out your personalized workout cards.
You’ll get instant, unlimited access to Over 3 1/2 hours of instructional videos; printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and  PDF format; sample completed workout cards, and printable Quick Reference Guides.
And if you order now, you’ll also get the 4 special Bonuses: The Stay Strong Forever Nutrition Guide, The Power of Commitment Workbook, The Off-Day Activity Guide, the Live Action Workout Videos.

Picture yourself a few short weeks from now…..

Once you get going on this program, you’ll be stronger and have increased lean muscle mass; be more injury resistant, flexible, and mobile; and have far less aches and pains from previous injuries and surgeries.  You’ll feel strong, youthful, and fully alive, ready to charge forward and enjoy life to the fullest, on a workout plan that’s easy to followsafe, and doesn’t take up much of your precious time.
Just click the blue button below, and you’ll be on your way.

Get Started On The Stay Strong Forever Program Today

Stay Strong Forever Program

Instant Access To All Program Materials


✔️ Over 3 1/2 hours of instructional videos
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ Sample completed workout cards
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️  14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️  *Special Bonus*: Power of Commitment Workbook
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Off-Day Activity Guide
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Strength After 50 Nutrition Guide
✔️  *Special Bonus*:  Live Action Workout Videos
